Manifesting desires…

Our mind has the power to manifest whatever it desires…

It all began with high school, when I wanted to pursue my creativity…and I had the option to choose my subjects of education. I was encouraged at every step by my mother, to pursue what i desired from within. I desired art…!

It was exciting to learn about colors, their application in context to objects, living and non living. But that wasn’t the only thing i desired. I desired to dance, to create designs, to explore various mediums, to learn how to cook, to construct clothes, to participate in almost all cultural activities. It was overwhelming..this desire to learn almost all possible areas of art. I desired to write…and wrote many small scripts based on love, lost and found, on friends, on people, on human relations, on my ideas and at times about life in general.

I identified my desire – at last – was to EXPRESS….to EMOTE….to COMMUNICATE….!

This constant need to express myself, outside of me..became my life, my career, my family….and me. There were many times when this desire led me into problems, into fights, into confusions….into sadness, loneliness and dejection. It made me sensitive….impulsive..reactive…and very simple.

I got lectures, advices, suggestions and a lot of comments for the way i had shaped my life, based on this desire, but at the end of today, i realize..i meanifested it simply thinking about it all. It happened because i wanted it to happen. I led my mind to make my heart and my body respond the way i wanted.

Today at 25 yrs of age, i have no regrets…..i followed my elder’s advice, but never let go of my inherent nature, this desire to express, is what has shaped my life into a beautiful journey towards peace and happiness.

We pray to god and ask him to make our dreams come true…yes i prayed..but more than that, i believed that i can achieve my dreams…if i believe in the power of my mind.

– S


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